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Privacy and payment security
Privacy: requests your personal information (name, age, telephone, e-mail, etc.) to provide better service to its customers.
This information collected on servers, periodic campaign work, the editing of special promotional activities for customer profiles and customer "classification" efforts to transmit unsolicited e-mails Only is used within the body.
The information collected from the membership forms does not share, or otherwise use, the commercial purpose for any non-activity, for any reason whatsoever, without the notice of such member or any other directive. interprets the visitor's movements and preferences by analyzing their e-mail addresses and membership forms during the use of the site, except for any personal information it wants.
This statistical data, which does not contain personal information, can be shared with partners to provide customers with a more specific and effective shopping experience. Customer information will only be disclosed to official authorities in case the authorities are required to disclose this information in the Office of the procedure and to the official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandated legislation. Customer is able to access all the information that the customer enters into the system and only customer can change this information. It is not possible for someone else to reach this information and change them.
Payment Security:
In addition, uses ' ' Secure Sockets Layer ' ' (SSL) technology. With our 256-bit SSL certificate, your personal information is encrypted and submitted. Your desired credit card information on the payment page is not seen on the servers of the companies that are or serving it in any way to keep the security of our valued customers at the top level. is not retained. All transactions to be paid in this way are ensured between your bank and your computer through the interface. On our site you can make reliable purchases of 100% with a 128 Bit SSL security certificate.
Regards; www.modaselvim.comCall Center Working Hours
Weekdays: 09:00-19:00 between Saturday: 09.00-15.00Any questions you can contact us at için: or phone number 0 212 550 52 52.